Monday, July 1, 2002 | 10:30 a.m. Alaska Time

Yesterday and this morning

I meant to write this last night, but I was too tired.

We went to the Arctic Thunder air show on Elemendorf Air Force Base yesterday. We were having a good time looking at all the planes and displays and watching the fighter jets fly by and the smokejumpers jump out of the planes. But we forgot a couple things. The first was we forgot to feed the girls before we left. The second was we forgot to bring cash for the food stands (didn't take checks and no ATM around). So about an hour after we got there, C started complaining she was hungry. Then she really got out of control. Hubby decided it was time to leave. We wanted to stay longer, but couldn't with a hungry out-of-control pre-schooler.

So we left and went to a restaurant for lunch. It's a restaurant that, Monday thru Saturday, serves really good food, especially their mushroom burgers and onion rings. Hubby forgot that on Sundays, they have just a buffet... until we got there. So instead of leaving when he realized it, he didn't want to be rude by leaving, so we stayed.

Big Mistake.

The food wasn't all that good, the girls hardly ate anything, they started acting up, and it was expensive.

On our way home, hubby decided we can't take the girls out to eat with us (or at least C anyway) until they're older, like 10.

When we got home, we put C down for a nap, hubby took a nap, and M and I stayed up. Eventually C and hubby woke up.

We went to a good-bye party for one of my co-workers last night. He and his family are moving back to Colorado after being here for about 12 years. I've worked with him the past 10 years. They have three girls, the youngest is 5. She and C played together last night.

Before going home after the party, we stopped at a grocery store to return a movie and get another. We rented "Orange County." Not that good. Hubby even went to bed before it was over.

That was yesterday.

Today is my 32nd birthday. Big deal. Feels like just another day. My sister sent me a hilarious online birthday card.

A couple weeks ago, hubby said his work gave them all tickets to the circus for July 2nd at 7p.m. For some reason, I was thinking the 2nd was on a Saturday, so I didn't have to arrange with work to get that time off. OOPS! Now I'll have to see if I can get the 2nd half of my shift off. Hubby also wants me to have the 4th off, but I didn't arrange for that either. Even though it's a holiday and I should want it off, I like having the holiday pay.

In the future, I should just arrange to have the last week of June and the first week of July off.

C climbed into bed with me this morning after hubby left for work and fell back asleep. When I woke up at 9:45, she was still asleep! Very unusual, since she usually wakes up at 7 and stays awake. I got up and she got up a little later. M didn't wake up for another 45 minutes. Since they slept so long, they won't be getting their usual nap at 11:30.

They do need a bath, however, so I better get them in the tub.

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