Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2001 | 11:15pm AST Alaska Time

I'm still here, and the Christmas Coup

To any loyal readers out there, no, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. My computer broke (thanks to my sweet child, M) and I haven't braved the cold garage to try to find my Windows 98 software to attempt to reinstall it to see if that will bring my computer back from computer limbo.

You'd think I'd have tons to update since whenever it was I last wrote but the truth is I can't think of much.

My babysitter and her daughter are sick with the stomach flu. I've taken the past two days off. Well, not the whole shift, just the first 4.75 hours. Hopefully tomorrow they'll be fine enough for me to take the girls over.

Hubby and I let our siblings know that this year we won't be buying their children gifts. It's hard to feel the gifts we give are appreciated when we don't hear any thank yous. It will also save us the money, stress, and fighting the crowds.

We also let my sister and the rest of the family know that we won't be participating in the gift exchange amongst the adults. Hubby didn't participate last year and I decided I didn't want to this year. Pissed my sister off, but oh well. What it is is the adults draw names and buy a nice gift for that person. The past three years, I've received books, a carved loon, and a comforter. Hubby says in the beginning, the dollar limit was something like $25 or $30 but then everyone started spending way more than that so that's why he wanted out. I wanted out because I felt obligated to participate in the past and didn't want to feel that way anymore. I wasn't enjoying it anyway. My sister says the whole idea was to buy one person a nice gift rather than buying everyone something. I told her I wouldn't have bought anyone anything in the first place. Giving Christmas gifts should be just in the immediate family anyway, in my opinion.

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