Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001 | 7:33 p.m. AST Alaska Time

My Christmas Adventure

I trust you all had a good Christmas.

Mine, because of the way my in-laws are, didn't go as planned. NOTHING they ever plan goes as planned. All my in-laws and I were invited to my brother-in-law's in-laws (got that?) at 1pm. Then plans changed to 2:30-3ish. Because of that, my Mother-in-law couldn't go because she already had plans with her boyfriend about that time. There goes my plan of presenting the quilt we've been working for a month on for her to her. We said we'd bring a ham and had it in the oven by noon. We also had plans to go to my mother's after BIL's in-law's. But since their plans changed to 3ish, we decided we'd just go to my mother's instead and bring the ham with us. So I called my mother and told her as much. As it turns out, the ham was supposed to be the main dish at BIL's in-law's, so I called mom back and said we wouldn't be bringing the ham. So now the plan was to drop it off at BIL's in-law's and stay for a little bit. Then, BIL called from the ER, saying one of his four kids had a weird rash on his face and another was crying all night, complaining about her ear. He called again a short time later, saying they both have impetigo and one has an ear infection. Since impetigo is contagious, our new plan was to not go, but still drop off the ham. BIL calls again, this time from his in-law's, saying they want us to visit for a while at least and would keep the kids downstairs while we're upstairs ("yeah, right!" I was thinking) because his in-laws had gifts for us. My other two sisters-in-law that were also invited decided not to go after hearing about the impetigo. So we went, with the ham, received the gifts, stayed for a while, then went to my mom's, where everything went as planned, of course.

If you've been reading my diary lately, you'll know about the situation where I told my siblings and siblings-in-law to not feel obligated to give our kids gifts because we wouldn't be giving their kids gifts. Wouldn't you know, they all did. I'm starting to think a couple of them conspired to do it to make us feel guilty.

Remember I said I sent an email saying they didn't have to give our kids gifts? I sent only one email. Apparently, my SIL received another one from me saying something like "but if you want to give our kids gifts, go right ahead." I NEVER sent such an email. Something fishy is going on.

What hubby and I need to do is just move out of town... maybe even out of state... just to get away from the craziness.

BTW, for those of you who signed my guestbook about this entry, she's not my sister, but my brother-in-law's wife. I may refer to her as my sister-in-law though because it's shorter.

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