June 21, 2001 | 12:53 p.m. Alaska Time

more woes

There's a memorial service for our neighbor (who died Saturday) today at 3:30 at a nearby church. We plan on attending. We pick the girls up around 3 so they're going to have to come with us, unless the babysitter offers to watch them a bit longer.

In happier news, M started walking yesterday. That's what the sitter said anyway. Once we got her home, she didn't walk at all!

I went to Costco yesterday and before I left, I asked hubby if he wanted anything. He said get something sweet. So I got those little frozen cream puffs that come 68 to a bucket. Once they thaw out, they're awesome! Problem is, you can't eat just 1 or 2...or 10. :) My hubby ate one, closed his eyes and said, "they're sinful!"

I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday about pain I've been having in my right foot. He diagnosed metatarsalgia. Great, now I have to get some arch supports.

Hubby got a job today, hallelujah! For a couple weeks, he'll be working 8-5. After that, it's 4pm-midnight. We assumed the job he'd find would be 8-5, so I told my work that I want to work evenings (2-10) again. I don't know what the hell we're going to do about daycare now. We want to keep daycare down to parttime to keep costs down. If he's working 4-midnight and I'm working 2-10, that means he brings the girls to daycare at 330 and I pick them up at 1030, that's 7 hours! We can't do that! Argh! And I can't tell work now that I want to stay mornings! @#$%&*!

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