Monday, June 25, 2001 | 11:26 a.m. AST Alaska Time

Work, Daycare, Car

This is my last week working the morning shift, 4am-1pm, at work. I'll be moving to the evening shift next week. I'm going to miss the people I work with and the calmness of the morning shift, I won't miss the hours. My morning co-workers are having a little "going away/birthday" party for me on Friday. Yup, my birthday is two days after my last day on the morning shift. I'll be 31 on July 1st. Not that I want anything, but a day at a spa would be nice. I'd get a pedicure, facial, and massage. (Sigh.)

My husband is working 6am-2pm (or 4pm) this week so the girls are in daycare full-time this week. Beaucoup bucks for that. Thank god it's just one week. Next week, assuming he stays on the morning shift and I go evenings, the girls will be in daycare just part-time.

Our daycare provider is going to Florida on Wednesday for a couple weeks to visit with her sick mother. Her husband and son and maybe her son's girlfriend will be filling in while she's gone.

I stopped at their home daycare during my lunch break this morning. It was good to see the girls, dress them, feed them, but so sad to leave. Madeleine started crying when I left. I wish we had enough money for me to stay home with them.

I finally brought my car to a service station to be looked at and maybe fixed. It has very little power and takes a while to shift gears. I pray to god it's not my transmission! I don't know why I keep it. The thing is 13 years old and has 98300 miles on it.

Oh yeah, I keep it because we need a second car and can't afford payments on another right now.

In the meantime, I'm borrowing my mother-in-law's car. She's a smoker and smokes in her car. It smells like an ashtray! gross.

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