Sunday, Nov. 03, 2002 | 11:56 a.m. Alaska Time

What's next?

Are all pre-schoolers destructive, or just mine?

C took a colored pencil to her bedroom wall the other day, found a pair of scissors and cut some fringe off an area rug yesterday, has pulled tassels off a table runner at the sitter's, and today pulled yarn out of the rocking horse's yarn tail.

I don't get it. Is she enjoying destroying property?

Not only that, but she used to bite and still hurts others, hurts herself on purpose, and soils herself whenever she feels like it.

Is she going to grow into a teen who takes a razor blade to her forearms because she enjoys the pain? Is she a future sadist and/or masochist? Is she going to practice bdsm? (bring on the google hits!)

I'm afraid what her future brings if she continues like this. :(

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