Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 | 9:13 p.m. Alaska Time

Trials & Tribulations of child-rearing

Oh gosh. It's been so long since my last entry. That was last Friday.

Saturday night, the girls spent the night at the sitter's. It was the sitter's idea. We were somewhat hesitant, but went along with it, knowing we could pick them up anytime. So while they were there, hubby and I went out for dinner and a movie. We saw Red Dragon. Great movie, by the way.

Worried more about M than C, we called the sitter after the movie to see how they were doing. She said they were fine.

So we had our first night without them. It was so quiet! We actually got to sleep in for once.

When we picked them up, the sitter said C had pooped on her floor. It wasn't that she couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. She just pulled her pants down and shit on her floor!

Then today, she scribbled on her wall and pissed her pants.

I'm starting to think she's doing the pee-in-her-pants and poop-on-the-floor thing on purpose when an adult around her does something she doesn't like. Can a nearly 4-year-old really think that way?

I just don't know what to do with her sometimes.

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