May 9, 2001 | 11:33 a.m. AST Alaska Time


I watched another "based on a true story" movies last night. This time is was Remember the Titans. Personally, I liked it. It's not one of those glorified texas-high-school-football movies. Well, on the surface it is. But beneath the protagonist-always-wins surface is a true story about a black football coach newly appointed to the head coach position in a just-integrated Virginia high school. His goal is to make the black and white players get along and play football together.

Anyway, here I sit at work. In five minutes I have to go to the Production Control Room (PCR) to direct a live update at noon and recorded updates that will air at 1pm and 2pm.

Big news in Anchorage: Two days ago, a man slashed four young boys outside and elementary school before school started. He's now in custody. Two of the boys have been released, one is being released today and the last one will be in the hospital for a few more days. The perp erupted in court, yelling, "Kill the children and kill yourselves! Kill the young children first and then yourselves!" Nuts. He believes that innocence ends at puberty and so was trying to kill children to "save" their souls. And get this--A couple years ago, he cut off the tip of his penis! Isn't that sick? He did it because he believed having no sex will get him into heaven. What a wacko!

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