Tuesday, May. 21, 2002 | 10:55 p.m. Alaska Time

Sweet Vindication
and the

Ah, the sweet taste of vindication! Let me fill you in on what's been happening since my last entry.

Sunday evening, we went over to BIL's house for a barbeque. About halfway through the evening, I told BIL's wife (the one I had an online fight with) that C had lice. But I also told her it was nothing to worry about, that all the bugs were dead and any nits in her hair were also dead and that none of them would catch it. Well, when I got home that night and checked my email, this is what I got from her:

"I am REALLY upset that you guys brought C over too the house when she was infected with headlice not less than 24 hours before.. The info that i got you are not suppose too expose her for 3-4 days after treatment!!!!!! Now, i am going too have too treat the kids BEFORE they get an outbreak since it takes several days for the eggs too hatch! Thanks for putting us through all this! Other info says 24-48 hours! so 1 too up to 3 days you should keep her away from other children!! NOW because of this i'm calling a DR too get a prescription for the lice since i've heard/read that the over the counter crap doesn't work that well.. AND you were picking eggs out of her hair when she was still here! Were the eggs live or dead? I really need too know this info. If it were your husband, he'd make us pay for the treatments for everyone in the house!!!!

To which I replied:

Oh calm down. The bugs were killed and washed out of her hair last night. the nits I was picking weren't alive. Your kids didn't catch it because there were no live bugs in her hair. Get a grip.

To which she replied:

you have too understand how freaked i get tho peg! you know me !!! I'm a bug hater and can't stand that at all! still gonna get the prescript shampoo tomorrow.. and we all (but my husband since he doesn't have any hair) are going too wash our hair. I have already washed mine twice and vacuumed !! ALL 4 kids have been cleaned and washed too.. thanks for letting me know that the nits were dead. i will have the doc check out my youngest's hair since she was the one with the most contact with C. We'll bring her in anyway.

To which I replied:

I still think you're overreacting and that the info the doctor gave you today is the worst-case scenario situation, but you do what you gotta do to feel comfortable and ease your mind. To ease your mind further, I'm going to make an appointment for C see what her doc says.

To which she replied:

No, peggy i am not over reacting! That was so inconsiderate of you and your husband too bring her over when she was infected with lice. And because of this, we can't afford too buy this shit and now have too come up with the $$ too do so !!! Just talked with EVELYN at AMNC childrens clinic.. she said that you should keep C away from children for 1 week. I need too look for any breakouts for all 6 of us for 1 full week since that's how long it can take for an outbreak in the house. Tell your husband that if we do break out, he is financially responsible for 12 boxes of NIX and the metal combs for all of us.. for the 1st treatment and the 2nd treatment!!! This really put us in a bind! I have too go back too work soon, and if we do happen too get lice in the house .........................

What a Drama Queen!

So the next time I saw her online, I sent an eBay url (she's an eBay addict) for three boxes of RID for about the price of one. Told her to use her paypal. Hoo boy! That did not go over well! She mentioned us paying for their treatments. I told her ONLY if they NEED them. In short, she told me I was an incompetent mother and to fuck off and go to hell.


Anyway, I took C to the hospital this morning for a second opinion and to talk a bit more with a doctor. The ER doc Saturday night seemed to be in a rush. The doc this morning said people tend to overreact and that after one treatment, C could be around other kids because the first treatment essentially kills the lice AND nits. I said, "Thank you, now can you call my BIL's wife and tell her as much?" So she did! :o) I was grinning from ear to ear when I left that place!

I tend to go shopping to make myself feel better when I'm down and I was feeling kinda blue after being called incompetent, so the girls and I went shopping at Wal-Mart. Along with a lice comb that the doctor told me to get (to get the rest of the nits), I got the girls some summer clothes, rubber boots, and sandals. Overall, I spent WAY too much, $122! Shhh... don't tell hubby!

I went shopping Sunday night around 11pm for some groceries I needed to make a dish with my crockpot and Stalkboy was working. (I decided to start calling him Stalkboy because he's a stockboy(man) that just has to talk to me whenever I go shopping there.) I thought he worked M-F! Had I known he was working Sunday night, I wouldn't have gone shopping there. He was in an aisle stocking shelves and I breezed past at the end of the aisle, hoping he didn't see me, on my way to the dairy section. Guess who should show up to "stock" some shelves near me? Yep, Stalkboy. I ignore him, but when I walk by, he mentions I haven't been there in awhile ("I've been trying to avoid you, FREAK!" I thought). I just say something like yeah and walk away to find soy sauce. While I'm in the Chinese food aisle, he grabs a cart full of groceries that just so happen need to be stocked in the aisle I'm in at the moment. He tries to make small talk, I mumble something and go to the checkout line and get the hell out of there.

Jesus, hasn't he seen my wedding ring yet? Now I need to get some groceries and I have to go way out of my way to another grocery store just because I don't want to see him!

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