Friday, May. 24, 2002 | 2:43 p.m. Alaska Time

Cereal everywhere

I'm home sick again with possibly another strep throat. Damn, I just got over one! I have a doctor's appt. at 4:30. Hubby has the same symptoms. Since I'm native Alaskan, I can go to Alaska Native Medical Center for free. So hubby wants me to get pills if I need them so I can share them with him. Otherwise, he'd have to pay about $300 to go to a local clinic.

Hubby had some cereal this morning and left the box within C's reach before he left. If you've been reading my entries lately, you can probably guess correctly what happened next. She took the box into her and M's room. By the time I got up, there was cereal all over M's crib, mattress, and on the floor around the crib. And since hubby broke the vacuum cleaner the other day by accidentally vacuuming up a sock, I couldn't vacuum up the cereal right away. I picked up my MIL's vacuum cleaner after dropping the girls off at the sitter's.

Y'know, I've been wanting to take Fridays off for a long time so that I can clean house so that we don't have to do it on the weekends. So what am I doing on a Friday instead? Wasting time on the computer. Argh! The Internet is such an addicting excuse not to do housework!

While I've been typing this entry, I ate a bowl of cereal and oddly enough, my throat stopped hurting. I'm gonna go to the hospital anyway, it will probably hurt again by then anyway.

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