Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 | 9:52 a.m. Alaska Time


I brought the van to State Farm Wednesday morning for them to estimate the damage. Their estimate came to more than $2500. Now we have to take it to a body shop for their estimate.

My step-father's dog is still alive. He took him to the vet who gave the dog a steroid shot and kept him overnight. He's doing better. Mom and step-dad are spoiling him rotten as these are probably his last days.

My brother (who crashed his boss' work truck into a pole) didn't lose his job. His wife is a hairdresser and just opened her own shop. Apparently business is hopping!

Speaking of my brother, today is his 28th birthday. Happy Birthday, Willy!

We're moving at the end of the month so I asked for and received the last week of August off so I can have more time to move stuff.

Hubby's been working out at a local rec center and has lost some weight. I told him maybe we should join the YMCA and he sounds interested. But, they have a $200 initiation fee and $70 monthly dues. We can't exactly afford that right now, so we're gonna hold off for now.

We went to a cousin's kid's birthday party yesterday. My cousin and her husband just got approved for a mortgage up to $200,000. Lucky dogs.

Hubby's at the Y right now, working out, and checking out their facilities. I should be packing, but instead I've got my butt parked in front of the computer to write this entry.

I got new glasses yesterday from Costco. My old pair more or less fell apart. I think this pair will hold together better.

C's been asking to go somewhere special, like McDonald's, for a bike ride, or to Grandma's. We don't have to time today because of packing. Also have to go to a body shop for their estimate on the van, and to pay rent on my storage unit, if they're open today.

Well, I must unpark my ass and get in gear for the day.

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