Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 | 11:41 p.m. Alaska Time

My Life Will Forever Be On Hold

I brought the minivan to a body shop today to get their estimate. He didn't tell me. Not that he couldn't or wouldn't tell me, I think he just more or less compared State Farm's notes to what he saw. Also made an appointment to bring it in on September 2nd.

Now I have to call State Farm to let them know when I'm bringing it to the body shop so that they can arrange for a rental car for us.

Also gotta call the phone, electric, and cable companies to let them know we're moving so we can get service switched over. I should've done that a week ago, but I kept forgetting.

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Hubby didn't work out at the Y yesterday after all because it was $8 for the day whereas at the rec center it's only $3. But, he did ask some questions. I wrote in my last entry that the initiation fee for a family is $200, according to their website. Yesterday, they told hubby it's only $40. Hmm...I wonder why the discrepancy...

I was up until 3am last night cycling laundry. I wouldn't do that for just the usual loads, but hubby's work clothes needed to be washed and they hadn't been all weekend. So today I told him that on the weekends, his work clothes take priority. While waiting for his laundry, I did manage to fold some of the mountain of laundry that had been piling up on the loveseat.

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We didn't pack anything over the weekend. A bit after hubby came home from working out, he took a 2-hour nap. The natives were getting restless so I told him when he got up that we needed to get out of the house...go for a drive. We drove to Girdwood and got some ice cream.

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When I worked in the Operations Department at my place of employment, I had a small cubicle locker and mail inbox. When I moved to the News department, I told the powers that be in the ops dept. and a couple people in the news dept. that I want to move back to ops when a position became available. So they kept my locker and mailbox on hold for me. That was two years ago. Positions have become available, but since they're so entry-level, they've been offered to other people. I'm not sure I want back in the ops department anymore anyway. Unless they put me back with the morning crew.

But, I've given up hope of ever going back to ops so I cleaned out my locker and mailbox today. Threw away a bunch of stuff, organized the rest, and put it in a box in my edit bay.

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Isn't it amazing how fast your money can disappear? I just looked at our joint checking account online and couldn't believe how low it was! Hubby has three checks at home that need to be deposited ASAP! I took a look at where our money was going. Childcare, car payment, security deposit on the new place, Costco... those are the biggies.

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Hubby wants to go to graduate school in Fairbanks. He says the school there is ready to offer him some sort of generous incentive package deal. Lower tuition or something I guess. He would be helping to set up their Logistics Program there.

He really, really, really wants to do this.

I'm torn. On one hand, I want him to be happy and to get what he wants. A master's degree could lead to a bigger income.

But...I've lived in Fairbanks, as a kid. I don't really want to live there again. It gets too fucking cold in the winter! I mean, sometimes down to 60-below!

On the other hand, I would get my 401(k) money and could use it to pay off my credit card debt.

On the other hand, hubby would be in school, which means he wouldn't be working, which means no income from him.


What the hell am I supposed to do now?

If hubby had it his way, he'd spend the rest of his life in school, working only during the summer. He also wants the family. Well, buddy, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I told him he should've been done with all this before we got married.

I also told him that if he could guarantee he'd be bringing in some sort of income while in Fairbanks, that we would go up there.

I hate how he puts my life on hold.

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