Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 | 9:41 a.m. Alaska Time

The Boogey Man

I remember now what I was going to write about last night.

The other night, someone tried to break into our place. I wasn't home yet from work but hubby told me about it when I got home. He told me that they were all asleep in their beds arouond 11pm when suddenly C starts crying then M starts screaming so hubby runs into their room and figures out that someone's at the window. So he flips on the light and starts yelling. Whoever was at the window ran off.

Could've been someone in the neighborhood who saw how I broke into my own place when I locked the keys inside. Who knows?

Of course, the girls were frightened so hubby brought them back to bed with him. That's where I found everyone when I got home. I put C back in her bed but M was still really scared so she slept in bed with me while hubby slept on the floor. He actually likes sleeping on the floor sometimes.

Seems like we've had nothing but trouble since moving in here. So much so that I'm thinking of moving when our lease is up. First, our minivan's taillight was vandalized, then our new garbage can was stolen, and now this.

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. I took a couple excedrin, but there's still some slight pain.

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