Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 | 3:39 p.m. Alaska Time

Traffic Court

Well, we went to traffic court yesterday for the hearing about the accident we were in. The other driver was told about and offered the choice of attending a defensive driver course if she pled no contest. Attending such a course means no points off her license and the citation is wiped from her record. She agreed to attend the course. So it was a win/win situation. More for us because now we don't have to pay our $500 deductible and have our rates go up unnecessarily. Her rates will probably go up because her insurance now has to pay for our repairs and rental car.

So I have an appointment to bring the car to the shop on Monday morning.

# # #

Because I'm working the early schedule at work, I go to bed around 8:30. So do hubby and the girls.

Last night, I just couldn't fall asleep, so I got up and surfed the Internet for awhile. I still went to work early this morning, but the combination of being exhausted and having a cold sent me home after half my shift.

Hubby brought the girls to the sitter's and I went to bed for something like 4 hours.

When I got up, I picked up the girls and ran errands. I could have left them at the sitter's and ran errands by myself, but I really don't mind taking them along.

We went to a grocery store, credit union, traffic court to pay a fine I incurred by not having proof of insurance, and a few other places I can't recall right now.

Oh, also stopped by the shop that's going to fix our car to reschedule an appointment to bring it back in. They scheduled it for Monday morning.

I'm making meatloaf and blue mashed potatoes for dinner and heating green beans to go along with. The potatoes come from our backyard. Whomever lived here before planted them, along with rhubarb, chives, broccoli, strawberry plants, and other things.

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