Monday, June 3, 2002 | 8:38 a.m. Alaska Time

Over the weekend...

Friday, the day I planned to clean house and mow the lawn, was mostly spent on the computer, as predicted. I didn't go to a movie either. I have absolutely no self-motivation. I did attempt to mow the lawn and nearly killed myself doing it. I got three rows done and around the raspberry bushes and had to quit. I was exhausted. I'm so out of shape.

I worked the telethon Saturday and Sunday. I had to be at the location on Saturday at noon to help setup. Saturday morning, hubby was in a bad mood because the house was a mess. It goes back to that train of thought he has that his mother had 5 kids and was able to do it, why can't his wife do it with 2? He told me he'd show me it could be done and that he didn't want me to do any housework for two weeks and he'd do everything. So as far as he got was vacuuming the living room and folding clothes and putting them away. Dishes didn't get done, the bathroom didn't get cleaned, the lawn is still just 1/4 mowed.

Occasionally, C will say her crotch hurts. Upon inspection, I find nothing wrong with it. And she doesn't complain the rest of the day. Once when she complained, I checked, and brought her to the hospital anyway, just in case. The doc said there was nothing wrong. So now whenever she complains, I check and find nothing.

I finally figured it out last night. When we're in the car, she scooches her butt forward in her carseat to rest her feet on the seat in front of her, causing her crotch to be pressed against the strap between her legs.

Saturday, hubby took the girls to his mother's and C was telling Grandma and Auntie (her birthmom) that her crotch hurt, but was saying it just like she was telling them she read a story or something normal, i.e. without a pained look on her face or pained sound in her voice. So Auntie gossips with her sister about it who calls hubby to tell him he should take C to the hospital. Hubby says something back, his sister says, "You guys shouldn't have C." That's when he hung up on her. So I wrote her an email today basically explaining why her crotch hurts and to mind her own business.

She'll probably email something even more scathing back.

I might be pregnant. I hope I'm not, it's too soon for another baby. My period usually comes on the first of the month. It's two days late. Mid-May, there was a period of a couple days when all I could think about was food and eating and then I had a day of spotting. So I'm thinking that that spotting could be implantation bleeding.

I was planning on going to the store today to buy a home pregnancy test but our truck is in the shop meaning hubby took the minivan to work, leaving me without wheels. I don't even have cash for the bus. Guess I'll go after work.

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< Just an update | Truck, taxes, hpt, Harry Potter, shopping, and my SIL >

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