Thursday May 30, 2002 | 11:57 p.m. Alaska Time

Just an update

Well, I told hubby about working the telethon. He's not happy about it. He keeps saying, "11 hours on Saturday?!" Oh well. He'll be okay, I promise.

Tomorrow is a basketball doubleheader, pre-empting both our 5pm and 6pm newscasts, so I asked my supervisor if it would be alright for me to go in later. He said that would be fine.

I'm still going to drop the girls off at the sitter's. With my time, I plan on cleaning house, maybe mow the lawn. At least, that's what I say I'm gonna do. Last time I had time to myself, I wasted it on the computer.

Maybe I'll go see a movie too. Any good chick flicks out there?

Today, I could wear my contacts for only a few hours before my eyes starting feeling dry and uncomfortable again. I hardly noticed my glasses, which is a funny thing. I've had to wear glasses since I was seven years old and have hated every moment of it. I got contacts when I was 14 and loved it! I wish I could afford laser surgery. Someday...

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< Rolling in the dough...
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