Tuesday, June 4, 2002 | 10:00 a.m. Alaska Time

Truck, taxes, hpt, Harry Potter, shopping, and my SIL

Hubby paid off our truck yesterday. We owed about $2000 on it. We didn't want to be paying full-coverage insurance on two vehicles so that's why we decided to pay it off. Now we just have to tell the insurance company it's paid off.

We also got our tax refund yesterday! Woohoo! I adjusted my w-4 (w-2?) at work yesterday so that we wouldn't be paying so much over the year. Filling out the worksheet that goes with it, it showed me to claim 6! Ha! Then we'd probably end up owing some ridiculous amount. The way it was, I claimed 0 and had another $25 taken out each paycheck. With the new filing, I just had the $25 put back in.

See, a few years back, when I was still single and working two jobs, I claimed 2 because that's what the worksheet said to do. I ended up owing $1100! That was a lot for me at the time. So I refiled the form and claimed 1. I still owed $700! So I filed again, claiming 0 and having $25 taken out each pay period and got $600 back. And that's how it's been until yesterday.

I bought a home pregnancy test yesterday and did it this morning. I'm not pregnant. Whew! I was pretty sure I wasn't, but just wanted to be 100% positive. Guess my period's just being wacky again.

Hubby rented Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Sunday. I didn't get to see it Sunday because I was at the telethon so I watched half of it yesterday before going to work. I watched the other half at work when my work was done so I could get it back to Blockbuster before midnight and not have to incrue more late fees.

I got done watching it right around 11:40pm. Blockbuster closes at midnight as does Fred Meyer. So I raced to Blockbuster then over to Freddie's to do some shopping. Freddie's is on their summer hours now, thank goodness. That means I don't have to shop at the store where Stalkboy works.

Looks like they're coming out with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets later this year and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in 2004.

Not that I'm a big Harry Potter fan or anything, 'cause I'm not.

I haven't heard a response from my SIL about the email I sent her yesterday. I'm sure I will, I just don't know when.

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