Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 | 12:35 a.m. Alaska Time

Calgon, take me away!

Hubby hasn't been feeling very well again lately so his doctor ordered another MRI, which they did yesterday. To our untrained eyes, we've seen enough of his MRIs to know this one doesn't look normal either. It looks to us like the cyst has grown back and to me, it looks like there's another tumor or something in the cyst. His doctor probably won't look at the MRI films until tomorrow. Until then, I've got to put up with a big baby sick husband who's convinced he's dying.

And in other bad news...

M, who's only 2� years old, snores when she sleeps. I mean, this girl saws logs! She's only 2�, for crying out loud! We also noticed she stops breathing sometimes when she's asleep. We mentioned it to her pediatrician, who also noticed M hasn't gained any weight in the past six months (did I already mention this in a previous entry? I don't remember). The pediatrician looked at M's tonsils and said they look big, which could be why she snores and has sleep apnea, and could also be the cause of why she hasn't gained weight as her body is using so much energy trying to breathe at night.

So the doc referred us to an ENT doctor who looked at M's tonsils, said they're big, and recommended taking them out. I told him we'd think and talk about it.

Hubby and I discussed it and after much thinking, discussion, and online researching, decided it would be best if the tonsils come out.

The tonsillectomy is scheduled for March 13th.

A while back, C's behavior was so bad that we spoke with her pediatrician about it, who suggested we apply to have her enrolled in a special pre-school that specializes in troubled children. So I filled out and sent in the application and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited.

About six months later, I finally get a reply from them to set up an assessment appointment. That appointment happened January 29th. She had three women working with and observing her while I spoke with two other men and filled out some more paperwork.

I must say that by this time, C's behavior has really improved. Part of it is just maturing but I have to give a lot of credit to our babysitter who has helped us to teach C patience and kindness. We're still working on the destruction of others' property problem and teaching her to say she's sorry when she's hurt another child by accident.

So it came as no surprise to me when the preschool people told me the other day at a follow-up appointment that C isn't eligible for their services.

I guess that's good in a way, because it attests to how far she's come in the past six months. We and the sitter were starting to wonder if the preschool would do her any good because she'd be around a lot of other students that are a whole lot worse off than she is and those students could be a bad influence on her and she could regress to her old ways. On the other hand, it is a free service that would have saved us money on childcare. Oh well, our sitter doesn't charge us a whole lot anyway.

As for me, I'm feeling the stress of caring for hubby while he's sick, taking care of the girls' wants/needs, taking care of the house, and working full time. There are not enough hours in the day to do it all! If the days were say, 48 hours long, and we only had to work 8 of those hours and sleep 8-10 hours, it would be perfect. Then there would be enough hours in the day for me to do everything. Am I making sense here?

Hubby realizes I've been stressed out lately so for Valentine's Day, he's (we're) paying for me to spend some time at a local spa. Since it's not paid for yet, we'll see if it really happens. Sometimes, it's really not the thought that counts!

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