Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 | 4:12 p.m. Alaska Time

Hubby's Head & M's Mouth

Hubby had his appointment with his doctor this morning to discuss the new MRI images and why hubby feels like shit.

His doc said everything is fine. He said the cyst will probably always be there to some degree. And he said hubby feels like shit because he's got either pneumonia or the flu and he has small, child-size sinuses. The size of the sinuses would explain why he often gets sinus headaches, they get stuffed up fairly quickly. As for his headaches, his doc told him to take 3 motrin every 4-6 hours.

M's tonsillectomy surgery is set for March 13th, with a pre-op appointment the day before. I'm taking 2� sick days to be with her during that time.

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