Monday, August 6, 2001 | 11:11 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Stupid Dog

Packed up the girls again this morning and went to Mailboxes, etc. to get an item packaged. I would've done it myself, but it's a fragile item and I didn't want to take the chance of it breaking in the mail. Then we went to the post office to mail off a different package. I need to start bringing our other child-restraint harness for M. Now that she's one year old, she's no longer in her infant car seat so I can't just drag her in with that seat anymore. I had C in a harness while at the P.O., but not M and she kept crawling away! She can walk, but I put shoes on her, which she's not used to yet, so was crawling instead.
When we got home, there was a loose mini-doberman pinscher in the parking lot barking its fool head off at us. I hate that dog. It followed us all the way back to our condo, barking the whole time. So when I got inside, I called the dog-catcher. I hope they took that little fucker away. The owners don't keep it on a leash, even though there's a leash law in Anchorage. C heard me call it a "stupid dog" so she kept repeating that.
I put the girls down for their nap as soon as I could too, which was about 20 minutes later than usual. It must've thrown off their internal clocks because they didn't fall asleep for about a half-hour. Had to get them up half-hour after that to bring them to the sitter's.
Went to work, business as usual. Came home for dinner and had spaghetti, went back to work... more business as usual... came home from work, and here I sit.

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