Monday, May. 27, 2002 | 10:30 a.m. Alaska Time

Star Wars Episode II, better than the first!

Hubby laid down in the backyard yesterday for a while, trying to get some sun. When he came back in, he was dizzy and not feeling well. He took a nap for a while and when he woke up, he said it was probably the three cups of green tea he drank plus the aspirin he took for a headache. Bad combination, apparently.

We went for a drive to Wasilla yesterday. Drove through a couple neighborhoods. Too bad Wasilla's an hour's drive commute. We really liked all the land space the houses had.

While in Wasilla, we stopped at Fred Meyer and bought a kite that looks like a duck. When we got back to Anchorage, we went to a park. While hubby put the kite together, the girls played on the playground equipment. Finally, hubby got the kite together and got it going. A seagull flew by and started divebombing the kite!

When we got home, hubby called his sister and asked if she could babysit for a few hours so we could go watch Star Wars Episode II. She could. The movie was great! Even though we had to sit in the very front row. It sure made up for how bad Episode I was! Everything was coming together very nicely. Lots of foreshadowing, like when Obi-Wan told Annakin, "You'll be the death of me." The only thing I didn't like (besides sitting so close) was there was a family with three boys behind us, around ages 5-9, and one of the boys had already seen it and kept saying things like, "this is the funniest part," or "this part is cool," or "watch this part." The other two were talking too. Oh well.

Poor hubby's allergies were acting up during the movie and he kept sneezing and having to blow his nose!

We got to the theater with plenty of time, but we had to sit in the front row because I could not find a place to park! Hubby already had the tickets, but the parking lot is too small for the number of screens in the building (16). I finally gave up and parked across the street at the library. What we should have done was hubby buy the tickets, give me one while I search for a parking space, he go inside to find seating, and I join him after finding a parking spot. Oh well, live and learn.

After the movie, we went to the grocery store to buy hubby some allergy medicine. I was hoping Stalkboy was working so he could see me with hubby and get a clue that I'm taken. But he wasn't, probably because of the holiday.

Well, today is Memorial Day. Hubby doesn't have to work, but I do. I get double time and a half though which amounts to $36.25 per hour! :o)

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