Thursday, Aug. 8, 2002 | 2:51 p.m. Alaska Time

M's speech, or lack thereof

Just a quick entry. I may add more to it later.

At M's 2-year well baby checkup yesterday, the doc asked how many words she can say. "50?," she asked. I said more like 10-15. So she said she'd have a speech therapist/pathologist get ahold of me about getting M to speak more.

That would be great if M could tell us what she wants or what's wrong. We often have to guess what's up with her because she doesn't tell us.

I also spoke with orthopedics about her arm. I asked why does she have to wait two weeks to be seen. Turns out the doc there wants to wait that long because by then it may be healed enough to the point where she won't need a cast. I also asked about bathing her. A nurse told me I could wrap a plastic bag around it and seal it with duct tape. Um, excuse me, DUCT TAPE? I'm not gonna put duct tape on my baby's skin. That stuff is so strong her skin is so delicate! I did without either.

I tried to keep her arm dry during her bath this morning. But I knew it was futile. Water did get splashed on it, but not enough to worry about.

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