Monday, Feb. 18, 2002 | 8:23 p.m. Alaska Time

They're up to their old trick again....

Like they say, all good things must come to an end. In this case, the good thing was three pot smoke-free days. They were smoking again last night. I could smell it in our kitchen. When they were done, they thought they could cover it up by spraying Lysol, which we could smell too.

Did I mention they put a gouge in our door my husband says was done with a knife?

They're gonna get it, those assholes, and they're gonna get it good.

On the cute kids front, a few days ago, C, age 3, says to M, "You're my bess fwen, M. M, you're my bess fwen." (Of course, she didn't say "M," but her sister's name, which I won't reveal here.)

On the not-so-cute kid front, C has started screaming at the top of her lungs at time-out, bedtime, and naptime. Seems she only does it with hubby though. And she's been refusing to do what he says.


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< Apparently she DIDN'T blow the speakers... (oh darn!) | It's a jungle over there... >

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