Thursday, June 13, 2002 | 11:43 p.m. Alaska Time

My sister's visit

Well, my sister has come and gone. We had a nice, albeit short, visit. She came in Tuesday night and I picked her up after work, around 10:45 p.m. We stayed up talking until about 1 a.m. or so. Her appointments were the next day at 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

The original plan was that the girls and I would go to the hospital with her, drop the girls off at the sitter's after the appt., she drop me off at work and take my car to her next appointment.

Well, plans changed when C decided to wake up at 5:30 a.m. which woke up M. I gave C some milk and told her to go back to bed and she did. M, however, wouldn't take her milk and go back to sleep. Oh no, she wanted Mommy to take her out of her crib. I knew if I didn't, she'd start crying, waking EVERYONE up. So I took her out of her crib and brought her back to my bed where, of course, she didn't go back to sleep and kept me awake.

When everybody got up around 7, I told my sister the girls would need a nap instead of going to her appointment and to go ahead and take my car but to come back as soon as her first appointment was over so that we could drop the girls off, get me to work, and her back to the hospital before 2 for her next appointment. That worked.

She wanted to take us out to dinner that night as a thank-you gesture for letting her stay with us. Earlier, hubby mentioned Mexican so I chose Los Arcos. Sis picked up the girls from the sitter's and then picked me up at work for my lunch break. The plan was to meet hubby at the restaurant but he wasn't there when we arrived and didn't show up soon after so I called him. He said he changed his mind because Mexican food has a lot of salt in it and he wanted to keep his salt intake to a minimum. My sister was disappointed, thinking he doesn't like her. I told her he does and not to worry about it. So it was just her, the girls, and me for dinner. The girls filled up on the free chips but I ordered them food anyway. I had a chimichanga and sis had a burrito. M had a great time playing with her water and then she spilled it all over herself. She started getting cranky soon after and didn't want to stay in her highchair. I quickly tried to eat my dinner so we could leave. Once we were finished, Sis dropped me off at work and brought the girls home. She picked me up after work and we went to Fred Meyer to get some milk and a few other items. We stayed up late again talking and hubby even came out of the bedroom to talk with us.

This morning was better than yesterday. C slept until 7:30 or so. Around 11:45, Sis, the girls and I ran a few errands, had lunch at McDonald's, and then it was time to drop her off at the airport. Too short of a visit.

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