Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 | 11:53 p.m. Alaska Time

Sick Baby Weekend

I didn't get a chance to write an entry all weekend because I was holding M all weekend on the couch. Poor baby. She was so miserable. She didn't want to eat or drink anthing. We had to force medication down her throat. She'd sleep for hours on end.

She started feeling better yesterday afternoon and was a whole lot better today. Her breath still smells like something crawled in there and died though. I stayed home from work for 1/2 day with her because last night was bad and so was this morning, but the rest of the day was good.

Hopefully tomorrow will be as good as or better than today.

Y'know, I had other stuff to write about today, but I don't remember what it was now. It's late, and I need some sleep.

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