Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 | 3:18 p.m. Alaska Time

Continued From Yesterday

Sorry I couldn't finish my entry yesterday.

M had surgery yesterday morning to remove her tonsils and adenoids. We were supposed to be there at 7 a.m., and checked in around 6:50 or so. We waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, at about 7:25, they called us. We were led into a room where we changed her clothes into some tweety-bird yellow pj-like outfit and they gave her some medication to help calm her. Then we brought her into another room where there were other patients waiting for surgery. There was a crib waiting for her.

The anesthesiologist told us what would happen. They would give her some gas to make her sleep, then put an IV in her, then perform the surgery. He carried her into the operating area. I thought she was going to cry and fuss and be afraid to leave us, but she went with him willingly. That made me feel better. I figured I'd be a blubbering idiot. We were told the proceudure would take about a 1/2 hour.

So hubby, C, and I went to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast at the hospital's cafeteria. When we were done, we went back upstairs. Just as we got there, the surgeon came out to talk with us. He told us she did really well, no problems, and that he took out her adenoids too, as they were pretty large. He told us we could see her in about 20 minutes.

After a short wait, we were brought into a recovery room of sorts where she was brought in by a nurse a few minutes later.

M didn't like having the IV in and kept trying to remove it. A nurse wrapped her arm so she couldn't take it out or see it. That helped a lot. The nurse gave her some oxycodone to help with the pain. M also has a fever blister on her tongue that was bothering her, so we asked for some BLM solution for it (benadryl, lidocaine, maalox). Right after I put some of it on her sore, she fell asleep.

I told hubby this would be a good time to bring C to the sitter's. Not two minutes after he left, he was back, showing his mom to our area. Then he left. His mom visited for awhile and left. Hubby came back. M woke up. Another hour or so later, they discharged us.

We went shopping for post-tonsillectomy stuff like jello, popsicles, ice cream and went home.

M took her first dose of meds at home okay at 3pm, but by six, wouldn't take anymore because of her throat pain.

The sitter had offered to keep C overnight so we could direct more attention to M. We called the sitter's to ask C if she was sure she wanted to spend the night. She excitedly said yes. We asked if she was sure, she still said yes. We told the sitter one of us would be over later to drop off stuff for C's overnight stay. All of us went.

When we got there, C was still wanting to stay but about 5 minutes later, she changed her mind and wanted to come home with us, so we brought her home.

M and I slept in the livingroom so as not to disturb hubby's sleep because he has to work today.

Today, C had an appointment for a rash on her inner elbow that turned out to be eczema. While we were there, I asked the doctor to help me make M take her medication. So we held her down on the examination table while the doc put the medication in her mouth, a little at a time. She then told me to give he some water this way.

Hubby came home from lunch to help me give M some water then went back to work. She fell asleep on the couch. When she woke up, she must've been thirsty, because she started drinking water on her own. I had to hold her down to give her some more medication.

She's asleep again now on the couch. Her doc said it would take about 10 days for her to feel better. These first couple days are supposed to be the worst though.

Well, I better get dinner started.

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