Monday, May. 13, 2002 | 10:27 p.m. Alaska Time

My sick girls

Well, the slumlords landlords didn't fix the dryer. They left a note last week saying it would be done by today. It wasn't. Argh!

I took the girls to the hospital this morning. C has infections in both ears and bronchiolitis. M has a rash, probably caused by bacteria. So, C got amoxicillin for her ears and an inhaler with a spacer and mask for the bronchiolitis. The mask scared her, she didn't want to try it, and pushed it away, after I had already puffed it once. Had to make her do it though. M got an antibiotic for her rash and bacitracin to put in her nose because the doctor said children her age often put their fingers in their noses and then will touch their genital area, and back and forth.

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