Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002 | 11:21 p.m. Alaska Time

Sick Toddler

A few weeks ago, a co-worker of mine, Gina, asked me to make her a tutu for the Miners & Trappers Ball (a huge party where people dress in costume). She paid me back tonight by babysitting for the girls while we went to watch "The Count of Monte Cristo" (great movie, BTW). We cleaned house all day so she wouldn't see what slobs we are. Anyway, I figured everthing would go okay because C is pretty good with sitters and doesn't give them any trouble. And M is such a little angel. She cries for a few minutes when we leave but then is perfectly fine. As it turned out, C got sick (i.e. vomited) on the carpet. Gina said she cleaned it up as best she could but that there was still some in the carpet. C has gotten sick on the carpet before and that time, I steam-cleaned it right away. Since I don't have that luxury at the moment (it's late and we have neighbors downstairs), I sprinkled baking soda all over the area, hoping to contain the smell and to help cleanup tomorrow. I hope it helps. Guess I could have sprayed it too with some carpet cleaning pre-treatment. I just forgot I had it until now. Oh well. I'll see how the baking soda does.

C hasn't been feeling too well the past couple days, saying her ear hurts, that she's sick and needs medicine. But, she says that a lot, so I've just been keeping an eye on her. She's been her usual self, so I figured it was the three-year-old hypochondriac in her speaking. We had some leftover amoxicillin from her last ear infection and hubby gave her some of that to see if it would help, but also to make her stop with the "I'm sick" routine. So maybe the amoxicillin was old and caused her to vomit. Who knows?

If she wakes up in the middle of the night complaining of ear pain, I'll take her to the ER. She came into our room last night complaining of that and I just let her crawl into bed with us and she fell right asleep.

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