Friday, Mar. 1, 2002 | 11:22 a.m. AST Alaska Time

Seeing Red

This past week, I've been so angry. Too angry to write an entry.

But, I've calmed down. Here's why I was so angry.

I told my brother-in-law's wife about C being sick but that I didn't think she was sick enough to take to the ER. But that M vomited five times two days later, with diarrhea, so I took her to the ER. She said I should've taken C up too. I told her C was fine by then. She just said, "hum..." which to means she's judging me. She then told our sister-on-law who told her sister (C's bmom) who told her mom who called me saying she heard C was "seriously ill."

What the fuck?

So I went off on BIL's wife and SIL in an email, telling them what REALLY happened and to mind their own business. So BIL's wife writes back saying we're always yelling and screaming at C, always hitting and spanking her, and that we dress her in rags while we dress M in nicer clothes. Ooh! How dare she write such a thing when her own husband is constantly yelling at their kids and putting them AND HER down! She dresses her kids exclusively in Gymboree (and I don't) so I guess by her standards, anything else is rags.

We do yell at C sometimes, but only after telling her the same thing calmly several times. Sometimes it seems yelling is the only way to get her attention! We've never screamed at her or hit her! We do spank, but also use timeouts and loss of privileges. Argh!

And as for SIL, she emailed back saying that she never used the term "seriously ill" and that I should call and check what she said before "jumping all over her ass and chewing her out." Whatever.

I'm just sick of hubby's family judging us and talking about us behind our backs when they've got their own fucking problems within their own families!

So I took my problem to an adoption community on MSN and posted a message asking for contact with other members in my situation and for advice on what to do about the in-laws ('out-laws' I like to call them). And people jumped all over MY ass there!

Thankfully, everything's blowing over at the moment and all will be back to normal soon enough.

Here's some good news... Hubby called the landlords and gave them the ultimatum, either we move out or the neighbors do. So they said they'd give the neighbors a two-week notice the next week. I think they got the notice yesterday because Angela was blasting her stereo again. We've arranged with my mother and step-father to stay with them if things get violent over here. Hubby has also showed me how to use his gun. Now I want to go target-practicing!

LOL, until the neighbors from hell moved in downstairs, I was so anti-gun. The only way I'd allow a gun in the house is if it were unloaded and locked up.

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