Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 | 11:07 p.m. Alaska Time

"Mama, where is God?"

I was baptized Methodist as a baby and grew up going to Methodist Sunday School and services. I stopped attending regularly at around age 11 or so. Dad, who is also Methodist, never went to church except for weddings and funerals. Mom, who is some other protestant religion I can't recall at the moment, would take us to SS and church when we were kids, but eventually stopped, which is probably why I stopped too. I would attend occasionally, when the mood struck, but not regularly, despite my best attempts. Kinda like broken new year's resolutions.

Hubby, whose family's background is Catholic, was never baptized. His father would preach at the Salvation Army Church, despite being Catholic, and hubby would listen. Hubby believes in God, but hates organized religion, especially Catholicism.

God, to him, is omnipotent energy. God is in everything, God is everything.

I see his point, but also believe the Creator/Father version too.

When we got married and talked about religion, I mentioned wanting to take our future children to Sunday School. He was adamently against it, said we'll teach them about religion. Needless to say, our kids aren't baptized.

Now, my knowledge of God, Jesus, and the bible is limited. Hubby knows more about it than I do. But he can't teach religion to a 4-year old so that she'll understand it. He gets all scientific and philosophical. C just gets even more confused than when she first started asking questions.

I tried explaining God to her as the creator of everything. She asked where he is. I said in Heaven. She asked, "He's dead?" I said no. Poor kid.

When I was a kid, some Jehovah's Witnesses sold us a book entitled "My Book of Bible Stories." I'll start reading it to her.

Maybe I'll just start taking her to Sunday School anyway.

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