Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 | 9:48 a.m. Alaska Time

Hell Night

Shortly after M turned 2, she climbed out of her crib and fell to the floor, breaking her wrist.

That's when we decided to move her to a toddler bed.

When I would come home at night after work, she would be asleep in the bed. She'd usually come into our room around 5 a.m. and crawl into bed next to me.

Then hubby started feeling ill and didn't want to deal with the nighttime hassle of making her sleep in her bed, so he'd give in and let her fall asleep in our bed. Then when I'd come home after work, I'd put her in her own bed. I got tired of doing this and would just put her on the floor next to our bed on a bunch of comforters. Then hubby started letting C sleep in our room too.

After having her tonsils removed, we let M sleep in bed with us, and now we can't get her out!

Last night was hell. When I got home, she was on the floor next to our bed. I crawled into bed and fell asleep. Not more than 20 minutes later, she's awake and wanting juice. I told her no and to lay back down on the floor. She kept begging for juice. I ignored her. Louder begging with crying and whining. I put her back down, she got back up. More crying and whining. I spanked her, and put her back down. More crying and whining. I ignored her. She crawled into bed, still whining for juice. I told her if she said juice one more time, I was putting her in her own bed. She said juice, I put her in her own bed. She follows me back to my room, crying and whining.

Finally, hubby's had enough. He gets up, goes to her, and tells her to lay down on the floor. More crying and whining. He spanked her a couple times. She got quiet, but was still up, waiting for an opportunity to crawl into bed. Hubby told her to lay down. More crying and whining. After she quieted down, but was still up, and hubby looked over, I told him to just ignore her, she was finally quiet. I figured she'd fall asleep eventually. And she did.

I admit, we've been too lenient with her and spoiled her some. Now we've got to unspoil her.

But man, the whole ordeal must've lasted at least an hour!

I had a headache when I woke up, even though I took two of my headache-preventing meds before bed last night.

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