Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 | 12:47 a.m. Alaska Time


Busy morning for me and the girls.

First we went to a photography studio and had their portrait done with a bunny. C was excited about the rabbit, M was scared of it. She warmed up enough to it to get the portrait done if it was kept at a distance. I was a little disappointed that they didn't do more poses with the girls. Oh well, we only need one anyway.

Then we headed to the hospital where I had to pick up a refill on one of my prescriptions.

After the hospital we stopped by a former babysitter's place so I could get her SS# and address for tax purposes. Unfortunately, she doesn't live there anymore. In fact, no one does. So we went home.

I went to the Millennium Hotel to get some free tax help after work tonight.

Turns out I did our taxes wrong, again.

You know the line that says "itemized deduction or standard deduction" and you put a figure in the box? Well, late last night when I did the taxes, I was more or less skimming over the words and only saw "itemized" so didn't put anything in the box.

That, plus figuring our Permanent Fund Dividend taxes wrongly, actually GIVES us a refund of a little less than $900.

Thank God for the free tax help!

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