Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 | 12:55 a.m. Alaska Time

The taxman cometh


Last year, we got about $3000 back from the IRS. This year, we OWE $700!

I know that's nothing to some of you, but for us it's pretty traumatic.

Part of it is hubby decided to take part in a income deferral program for daycare expenses, we're not eligible for the earned income credit nor the extra child tax credit, and I refiled my W-2. I used to have my W-2 setup to claim zero and have and extra $25 taken out of each paycheck. Now it's just claiming zero. Looks like I'll refile to have another $25 taken out each pay period again. *sigh*

I'm going to have an accountant double check my work tonight at a local hotel where several accountants setup shop every April 15th to offer free help to taxpayers. Hopefully one will find some gross error on my part that will reduce our payment or better yet, get us a refund. Wish me luck!

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