Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 | 11:59 p.m. Alaska Time

Easter Eve

Y'know, I really should try to write an entry when what I want to write is still fresh in my mind. I know there were things I was thinking of earlier to remember to put here, but I can't recall now what they were.

So I'll start with what I do remember.

The girls and I went to a birthday party this afternoon for Mary's daughter's 5th birthday. (Thanks again Mary!) It was at a roller rink about 3 blocks away. Walking in was like stepping back 25 years to the '70s. The roller skates are probably that old too!

I thought only C would want to skate, but M wanted to try too, so all three of us got skates. Have you ever tried holding onto two little ones while all three of you are in roller skates? No? Well, let me tell you, it ain't easy!

Surprisingly, M, who's never been in roller skates before, actually did really good. C, on the other hand, who has been in roller skates a couple times, was sprawling all over the place, falling every other move. It's like she has no center of gravity. She didn't last long before wanting to get back into her shoes.

M and I went about halfway around before she wanted to stop, so we went back to the birthday party area. I chatted with Mary's mother and grandmother-in-law. Mary's daughter opened her gifts, we all had cake & ice cream, skated a bit more, then went home.

Hubby actually got enough gumption today to go through the crap that's been sitting outsite our front door since last june. Much of it is in the back of our truck, waiting to be taken to the dump. Much of that I was saving for a future garage sale. He said he wouldn't help me with any garage sale...what an asshole. It's going to be an impossible chore now.

It was a bee-yoo-tiful day today here in Anchorage. The girls played outsite with the neighbor kids. I suggested we go to Wal*Mart and buy a swingset for them. The cheapest they had was about $88. It had just three swings, a slide, and a teeter-totter. The one I wanted to get them cost twice that! So we're going to look in the classifieds to see if anyone has one for sale.

We also went to Home Depot where hubby bought a slab of wood he's going to make into a cutting board.

Then it was on to Costco for a few staples and to get something for dinner (steak & salad). Hubby almost bought a bicycle there, but then I suggested the classifieds again. We also tried to fit the girls into one of those bike pull-behind carriages. They fit, but barely. C is just a bit too big now. So we'll get seats to put on the back of our bikes.

Also stopped at Blockbuster to rent Spirited Away and Last of the Mohicans.

Hubby broiled the steaks while I made the salad. We ate dinner while watching Spirited Away. It was about halfway through the movie that I remembered part of my Easter plans were to dye eggs with the girls tonight. Well, by the time the movie was over, M was asleep and it was too late to dye eggs. So we put the girls to bed and I dyed eggs alone. I also put their Easter Baskets together. They're really cute. If I had a digital camera, I'd take a picture of them to show you.

Hubby and I are going to get up around 4am to go outside to hide eggs.

As for Easter dinner, the in(out)-laws side of the family has been invited to some guy's house. His name is J*hn Y*ung. Apparently, he's letting M*rgana and her babies live with him. I hear he's like 81 or something. There's supposed to be an egg-hunt for the kids and Easter baskets too. We didn't know anything about these plans until this morning, when we had already made our own plans. We don't want to go, so we're not. Not that we have any special dinner plans ourselves.... Probably will be leftovers.

This man doesn't know what he's getting himself into, having that crazy family over for dinner.

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