Monday, Jan. 6, 2003 | 11:31 p.m. Alaska Time

Just ranting

Hubby found out a few days ago that C@role never got an MRI so the whole thing she was telling us about having a tumor with fingers in the back of her head was a lie. She was just trying to get some attention. I figured she was lying. I'm usually pretty good at telling when somebody's lying to me.

Did I already mention she doesn't have any of her three kids right now? The two older ones are with their father's mother and the youngest is with her own father (two fathers here, in case you're wondering). I don't know if the state took them away or if she did it voluntarily in order to get her shitty life together. She doesn't live in the house she and her ex owned anymore. Hubby heard she found a 3BR apartment. As for her coke addiction, the story now is her ex is the one who introduced it to her when they were still dating.


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C's 4th birthday is at the end of this month. If it were up to him, Hubby would go for the welfare birthday party theme with plain paper plates, cups, napkins. The gifts would be wrapped in newspaper. No party bags. The only thing he'd spring for is a pinata and the candy to fill it. Mind you, it has to be the cheapest pinata and candy! Hell, if he had time, he'd make the pinata himself!

Me, I like decorative plates, napkins, cups, etc. So what if they cost a little extra?

I think we'll have the party at McDonalds or somewhere... maybe Kidzone. We'll see.

For her gifts, we're giving her ice skates w/skating lessons and a jack-in-the-box.

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C really really really wants a bunkbed. Costco has a nice set for less than $400. But hubby doesn't think she's ready for a bunkbed yet. I told him the beds can be separated. But as it is now, M doesn't even sleep in her own toddler bed. Next year we'll get the bunkbeds.

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