Saturday, Jan. 4, 2003 | 10:24 a.m. Alaska Time

Not again!

You might recall that my husband had surgery about a month ago to remove a non-cancerous tumor from his cerebellum. He's been recovering well and thought he felt well enough to go back to work on a part time basis. That's what he was going to ask his doctor about yesterday at a follow up appointment.


Turns out, they didn't get all of the tumor and will have to go back in to get it. Which means another month of recovery, lost wages, and all that went with it the first time.

Hubby has to decide when he wants the procedure done. We're thinking not until he's recovered from the first surgery, but before the tumor & cyst start making him feel ill again. Maybe in a month or so.

Both of us are going to talk with his doctor to come to some final decisions on the matter.

Pray they get the whole tumor this time.

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