Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 | 12:30 p.m. Alaska Time

Pukefest '04 continues...

So, two days after the girls got sick with what I think was food poisoning, I started puking that Friday night. Also had the runs. Sorry if that's TMI. I had eaten a bite of the same cheese the girls did, so I assumed I had a delayed reaction to it. But, I also felt like I had the flu. So maybe it was stomach flu. Who knows.

The next day, Saturday, hubby and I had tickets to Lord of the Dance. I was feeling a bit better but couldn't find a babysitter! So, since I wasn't 100% yet and we didn't want to waste perfectly free tickets, hubby took C to the show.

A few days later, hubby has the same illness, but worse. He had the chills, bad. To the core type of chills.

So maybe it was the flu afterall.

In any case, we're all fine now.

I had more here I wanted to write, but can't remember now. Guess that's what I get for not updating for 12 days!

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