Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2002 | 11:59 p.m. Alaska Time

The Pros and Cons See-Saw

I don't know what to do.

I just got home an hour ago. Hubby was in bed, but was awake. He wanted to talk about C.

He told me that she wouldn't stay in bed and that she kept hiding under her bed. He said he finally had enough of it and put the frame against the wall and put her mattress on the floor. He went on about her behavior and how he sees his sister (M*rgana, her birthmom)in her. He sees nothing but trouble in the future for us caused by C. He said he never really wanted to adopt her in the first place. He said he wants to give her up for adoption.

I don't. At least, not yet.

I guess she just hasn't given me the grief that she has to him. Sure, I've had bad moments with her, but I can usually control her with being stern. I'll admit that there are times that I, too, regret adopting her and think life would be easier without her. But then I feel guilty for thinking so.

Deep down, she's a sweet kid and it shows when times are calm and slow-going. But then there's this monster-from-hell streak she's got in her. And she can be quite irritating when she wants to be, making our fuses extremely short.

On the other hand, if we send her away, M would lose her sister, and C would lose the only family she really knows. I can't do that to my kids.

If we do go through with it, I think hubby's other sister, Kati, and her family should take her. Kati was second in line to adopt her in the first place. She was upset that we adopted her because she had had three boys and always wanted a girl, but had had her tubed tied.

The other family members are no better options. �uke and M@rlene have four already that they can barely afford to feed, C@role's got three she has to support by herself, and no way in Hell can M*rgana take her back. The fact that she has had four kids and doesn't have any of them can attest to that!

My aunt was adopted at age 4 by my grandmother and her then-husband and she seems to have adjusted well.

I just don't know what to do. I think we should start by getting some family counseling.

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