Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 | 9:46 a.m. Alaska Time

It's been a problem child week

Guess I should update. It's funny, really. I remember to read updated diaries on my buddy list, but I forget to write my own entries.

I had to get another tooth filled this week. Two down, two to go. I'm such a wimp when it comes to dentists. I get teary when they give me that damn shot in the gums. Then during the procudure, the sound of the drilling just gives me chills up and down my spine. Sounds worse than fingernails on a chalkboard! I don't take well to the numbing stuff so they usually have to stop a couple times during the procedure to give me another shot.

C had a bad week at the sitters. Monday or Tuesday, she lied all day. Wednesday, the sitter told me she was in the bathroom when she heard loud pounding coming from the playroom. When she went in there to see what was going on, C immediately hid something behind her back. When the sitter asked if it was her making all the noise, C said no. Turns out, C was playing with a toy hammer and pounding on stuff. The sitter wasn't mad that C was playing and making a racket, she was upset that C lied about it.

Later that night, C showed me a huge bump and bruise on her forehead and said the sitter hit her on the forehead with the toy hammer. I haven't asked the sitter about it because I know she'll deny doing it. I didn't see it happen so it's C's word against the sitter's. Shit. I don't want to go through the hassle of finding new daycare, especially since C will be in Kindergarten in four short months.

Then yesterday, the sitter told me that two other mommies told her that their children told them that C touched them in their private areas. We know she's just being curious and told her not to touch anybody down there.

Like I said, a bad week.

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