Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 | 5:51 p.m. Alaska Time

It's Play-Dough. No, it'snot.

I learned something new yesterday morning.

I learned that a sneeze will get play-dough out of a nose.

Let me explain...

I was in bed yesterday morning, awake, but not ready to get up yet. I could hear the girls playing in the living room. Suddenly, M comes running back to my room in a panic, C right on her heels. She's picking her nose. C explains to me that M has play-dough in her nose. So I tilt M so that I can see up her nose. Sure enough, she's got yellow play-dough crammed way up her nose. Every time she tried to pick it out, she just pushed it up further. My first thought was to bring her to the hospital. My second thought was to find one of those baby snot-suckers to try to get it out myself. Just as I was reaching for one, M sneezed and out flew the play-dough...and a wad of snot.

Gross, huh?

# # #

If you see this girl

please call the Anchorage Police Department at (907)786-8500. Her name is Bethany Correira, she's 21, and has been missing since Saturday, May 3rd. Police are calling her disappearance suspicious. There's a fund set up at Wells Fargo if you'd like to donate to help defray expenses in her search (flyers, food for search volunteers, etc.).

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