Friday, May. 17, 2002 | 10:29 a.m. Alaska Time

The past few days...

I went to see the doc the other day for a follow-up appointment about my headaches. He had diagnosed Chronic Daily Headaches six weeks ago. This time I told him things were better, but not satisfactorily (is that a word?). So he prescribed more medication and a follow-up appointment in another six weeks. I didn't take my meds last night before bed and woke up with a headache the size of Texas this morning.

The sitter, whom we call "Nanny," told me yesterday that C had another complete meltdown the other day. She said she was embarrassed for the other kids to see C behaving that way. Then she mentioned something about coming to our home after picking up the girls to see how our home-life is and to help C get a grip, I guess. I don't think I want her coming here.

Some other child went home from Nanny's yesterday with C's shoes, so now C has to wear her winter boots to Nanny's today. Argh!

The other day, M's medication was forgotten at Nanny's. It happened almost every day the last time she was on meds. I'm going to have to leave it with her again today so that Nanny can give her a dose. It better not be forgotten again.

I discovered a few days ago the girls like hard-boiled eggs! I was making potato salad and had boiled just enough eggs for the salad and the girls, especially M, really wanted them. So I boiled some more and much to my surprise, C said, "I love it, Mommy!" I figured she wouldn't like eggs because she's such a picky eater. So every morning now for the past four days, I've been boiling eggs for them. M had two yesterday!

I guess the reason I never boiled eggs for them before was because when I was pregnant with M, and even for a long time afterwards, I couldn't stand the sight or smell of eggs being cooked. I could eat them if I ordered them in a restaurant, but not at home. Funny how pregnancy makes one avoid certain foods. Eggs don't bother me now.

Speaking of pregnancy, my sister's 4 1/2 months along with her 2nd pregnancy now and had an ultrasound done yesterday. Her hubby doesn't want to know what sex it is but she does so she found out but isn't telling anyone she knows, except me, and she won't tell me what it is!

The dryer finally got fixed a few days ago. The neighbors and us have a laundry schedule. I get Sundays and Mondays, she gets Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I get Thursdays, she gets Fridays, and we share Saturdays. Since I was going to be gone most of Thursday morning and wouldn't be able to do some much-needed laundry, I waited until after midnight Wednesday night/Thursday morning and did a few loads then.

My sister and her daughter go back home today. They've been in town for a few days for my sister's monthly exam. Today, sis is going to go see Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones. I wish I could go see it with her, but I think hubby wants to see it this weekend. I hear it's better than Episode I. I hope so. Episode I sucked.

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