Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 | 5:25 a.m. Alaska Time


I got a call from my father in Nome yesterday. He was at the hospital there with his sister and dad (my grandfather, whom I call "Papa"). Papa had a stroke, he said, and was going to be medevaced to Anchorage. Papa didn't recognize his daughter, but did recognize my dad. Dad said he'd call after they arrived in Anchorage. He also asked me to get a hold of my cousin here in town to let her know too.

So I called Tina's in-laws' place, where she and her husband and two kids are staying for a while. I talked with her father-in-law, who said Tina wasn't there. So I told him about Papa and asked him to give the message to Tina and told him that Tina can call me if she wants too.

I also called my mom to tell her and ask her to let my brother know when he arrived (he was flying down from Nome), in case he didn't know.

Tina called me a bit later from Oregon. I had forgotten she was going there for Christmas. So I told her what I knew and would keep her updated.

Dad called me again a little after midnight to say they were in Anchorage. Hospital staff performed a CT scan on Papa and didn't find anything so are going to do an MRI today.

I called Tina about 20 minutes ago to give her an update.

And that's where we stand right now. I don't even know which hospital Papa's in nor where my dad and his sister are staying.

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