Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003 | 11:07 a.m. Alaska Time

Since last night...

The guy I mentioned yesterday to take my place at work? He quit already. What a loser. He didn't tell me why but I heard it was because it was too much for him to handle. Whatever...

# # #

M was whining around 1:30 this morning like she usually does. She fell back asleep, but 30 minutes later, she's complaining that she's sick ("me hick," she says) and wants some medicine. Hubby got up to get her some milk but when he tried to give it to her, she was already asleep. 15 minutes later, she's complaining again that she's sick and wants some medicine and milk. She felt hot to the touch, so I got up, got her some tylenol and gave her the milk hubby had poured already. She took the tylenol and drank the milk. Abut five minutes later, she puked a little in her bed. So I took her into the bathroom where she could finish puking. Poor baby.

I called in sick to work to take care of her. After putting her back in bed, I lay awake next to her feeling guilty for calling in sick. So I called back asking if they were able to get somebody in to cover my shift. She told me they did and for me to not worry about it. So I went back to bed.

# # #

Plans for today...

  • Clean out the's cluttered and smells funny
  • clean the kitchen
  • Pay rent
  • Buy milk and hair conditioner for the girls
  • Return a movie

So I better get off my butt and start on the list, eh?

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