Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2003 | 4:58 p.m. Alaska Time

Organic $hmorganic

M is only three and is already sprouting an adult tooth. Did I mention that already?

Hubby's been doing research on the Internet about added growth hormones in meat and milk and is convinced they contributed to the tumor he had and to M's adult tooth appearing too soon.

As a result, the only meat and milk he wants to buy are hormone-free.

Do you know how much that costs?! Good God, it's expensive! A �-gallon of organic milk costs the same as a gallon of regular milk! And our girls drink a LOT of milk!

So much for trying to keep our expenses down...

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A new guy was hired at work to take my place as morning editor so that I can do the librarian position full-time. This morning was his first day. So far, so good.

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M starts her preschool program next Wednesday. She's scheduled for the afternoon program but I'm going to see if she can be moved to the morning program.

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Last night, I made some pretty awesome thai curry chicken. I used yellow curry paste instead of green and it was delicious!

Not sure what to make for dinner tonight...

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