Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 | 8:39 p.m. Alaska Time

Death, Lies, and a Bunny Coverup


Our neighbors are accusing our girls of killing their baby rabbit.

When hubby got home with the girls, he let them run around outside. There's no fence between our place and the neighbor's. Apparently, the girls went over to look at the bunny, C opened its cage and took the bunny out. What happened next, no one knows for sure. C lies to coverup her wrongdoings and M can't communicate well enough to say what happened. I asked both if they held the bunny too tight or squeezed it and both said no.

Personally, I'd be more apt to think C killed it, either accidentally or on purpose (probably on purpose because that's how she is). M is terrified of all animals.

C said after they held it, they put it down on a "nest" and left it there and how it died she doesn't know.


Now we gotta fork over some money for that damn rabbit.

Thank God we're moving.

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