Sunday, June 9, 2002 | 11:59 p.m. Alaska Time

Not too bad of a day

We were out of the house around noon, which just so happens to be the girls' nap time. So M was a bit cranky while we were out and about. First we went to hubby's mom's place. After, we took a ride down the Seward Highway because we knew it would put the girls to sleep and it did. On the way back, we stopped in Bird. The car stopping made the girls wake up and we took a walk on a trail. We didn't go far though. We also stopped at Indian Valley Meats just to look around 'cause we'd never been there before. They also have a gift shop where hubby bought some Musk Ox jerky. Not too bad, actually. We also looked at their animals. They've got three reindeer, three turkeys, chickens, a peacock, three peahens, a bunch of quails and some pheasants. C was chasing chickens all over the place.

When we got back to Anchorage, we stopped at Elderberry park and tried to fly our kite but hubby couldn't catch a breeze and then the damn thing broke. On the way home, we stopped at Fred Meyer to pick up a few things.

I made a couple pies when we got home because hubby had bought some salmon and needed the freezer space which meant the frozen fruit had to come out so I made pies with them. One turned out pretty good the other not so good. Hubby cooked salmon for dinner and I made a rice side dish.

C's birthmom's boyfriend left her and their baby a few days ago. I pray to God she doesn't start drinking again 'cause that poor baby's life will be turned upside down if she does.

Overall, today was pretty good for us.

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