Friday, Jan. 3, 2003 | 12:08 p.m. Alaska Time

Happy New Year!!!

It's a new year, time for a new look.

You likey?

I do. I didn't design it, however, so I have to figure out how to make my guestbook match.

Our New Year's Eve was pretty tame. I got home around 11pm with a couple noisemakers. At midnight, hubby and I went outside, made some noise, came back inside and had some champagne. I went to bed around 12:30.

Anchorage is lame when it comes to New Year's Eve fireworks...they don't do them! If they did, hubby and I would definitely wake up the girls to go watch them.

Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? I did. I resolve to pay the bills on time.

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