Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001 | 12:06 a.m. AST Alaska Time

No sleep for this mother-wife

The other night, I got maybe 2 1/2 hours of good sleep. I was dreaming about work and kept tossing and turning. Every time I fell back asleep, I started dreaming about work again. I hate that! I finally gave up around 6:30 in the morning.

So I got pretty tired at work later that afternoon. After my lunch/dinner break, I found out I was the only editor that night. There are usually three of us. So I had to edit everything for the newscast that night.

After work, I got online and chatted with my sister for a while. I was almost done chatting with her when M woke up, wailing. Pitiful, almost hysterical cries. So I got her up for a while. After saying goodnight to my sister, I held M for a while and tried putting her back in her crib. More wails. More holding. Tried again to put her in her crib. Back and forth for about 45 minutes. I was so tired, I finally gave up and left her there to cry herself to sleep. I felt bad about it, but she can't learn she can manipulate me like that. I was so tired, I forgot to put solution in my contact lens case.

I finally went to bed around 1:20 a.m. after almost 22 hours of no sleep. Two and a half hours later, I woke up to my husband's crying in his sleep. I gently woke him up. He had a nightmare that M and I died.

We went back to sleep and I woke up around 8:30, still tired. I'm tired now so I'm going to logoff and go to bed.

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