Saturday, Oct. 13, 2001 | 9:13 p.m. AST Alaska Time

my husband, the firestarter

Another busy start to the weekend. We were shopping most of the day. We dropped the car off at Jiffy Lube to get an oil change, picked up some diapers and wipes at Costco, bought C a new hat and mittens at Wal-Mart, checked out a new store in a local mall, and stopped by my mother's to see how she's doing since her rotator cuff surgery earlier this week. Mom's doing well. I stopped by Once Upon A Child the other day and they had a Classic Pooh crib bedding set that I almost bought. I decided I wanted it after all. I called them today to see if they still had it, but it had been sold. Oh well.

Hubby and I have been married four years now and every place we've lived in so far has had a fireplace, but we never lit fires in them. Until today.

Hubby gets an idea to light a fire. "Our first fire," I thought romatically. Ha.

It was anything but.

I asked hubby to make sure the flue was open, he checked, and said it was. While I was trying to keep M away from the fireplace, I noticed it really starting to smell like a campfire. Then I looked around, smoke.

Hubby put the fire out with water while I opened all the windows and patio door. Since it's winter in Alaska, it was getting cold, but at least it was airing out. But it still smells like smoke in here.

Romatic, my ass.

So after putting the girls to bed, hubby OPENS the flue and lights another fire. So far, so good.

My sister came by last night and we worked on the family tree a bit. We're finding quite a few ancestors in online resources.

We have another birthday party to go to in the morning. A niece is turning 3. The party is going to be at McDonald's.

This end of the year birthday parties and Christmas really hits the pocketbook. Several nieces and nephews and even C have birthdays at the end and beginning of the year. I can't wait until they're old enough to not expect birthday gifts anymore.

One of my sisters-in-law is divorcing her husband. Her second divorce. There's like a 17 year age gap between them. She's cheated on him, he doesn't trust her... She left her first husband, an unemployed dope-smoker who knocked her up when she was 16, for this guy. And I think she saw in this guy a way out of her situation. He had money she could spend and lived out of town, a town she wanted out of. So she had an affair with him while still married to her first husband. Her current husband knows this and so doesn't trust her.

My brother-in-law, the one that was accused of molesting a 12-year old girl, got into a fight with the girl's uncle and another guy. So now my husband wants to travel to the town where these guys live and kick some ass. Well, that ass-kicking is going to cost him $500-$600 for a plane ticket. $500-$600 we could use for other stuff. If he goes, he could get arrested. That's more money. I hope he comes to his senses, and stay out of his brother's problems.

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