Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 | 11:12 a.m. Alaska Time

Window Update

Saturday afternoon, we brought the minivan to Speedy Glass. They wouldn't be able to get us in until Monday so in the meantime, they did what they call a tape job, which is when they put visqueen (sp?) over the broken window and tape around it to the car.

Monday after work, I drove it to Speedy and left it there. Hubby met me there so I could have a vehicle to drop him off back at work, pick up the girls, and go home. Speedy called later to tell me they were done, so after picking up hubby, we picked up the minivan. They did a really nice job and even vacuumed all the interior carpeting and washed the windows.

The best part? They waived the $100 deductible we'd normally have to pay. They also applied a coating to the back window that repels water, grime, etc. I paid for that though.

So, if you're ever in Anchorage and need new residential, auto, or business glass, like their ads say, "just call Speedy!"

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Today C has a Spanish lesson. She's really enjoying class.

After class, a handyman is coming over to fix a few things. Our back deck has some rotting wood that needs replacing, the door to the laundry room doesn't close all the way, and I can't forget the other thing he's going to look at.

We also need to call a repliance repair company to have them take a look at the oven (which heats 25-50 degrees too hot) and the refrigerator, whose freezer doesn't totally seal when closed.

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Work is going well, keeping me busy. I sent off some video today to somebody in Spain doing a documentary on that huge oil spill they had last year (earlier this year?). He wanted some footage of the Exxon Valdez spill. $600 profit for the station!

You'd think sometime in the nearly 12 years at work, I'd have gotten business cards.

Nope. nuh-uh.

Until today. Couldn't get them before because I wasn't in a position that deals with the public.

But now I am, so I asked for business cards. They arrived today.

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< More bad luck | Life can be so cruel >

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